Telegram Group Invitation for Om Sri Surabhi Campaign Global

Telegram Group Invitation for Om Sri Surabhi Campaign Global

ॐ सुरभ्यै नमः OṀ Surabhyai Namaḥ! All glories to Mother Surabhi. All glories to the Varnasrama Mission. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krishna.


We have started a Group on Telegram called OM SRI SURABHI CAMPAIGN GLOBAL (T) where 2 to 4 preselected stakeholders from any given country can become Members of that Group.

The focus will be as follows:

1. Collect information about the OM Sri Surabhi Campaign in your country (see, under Menu Sri Surabhi Global)

2. Actively promote the OM Sri Surabhi Campaign by directing people to the website and encouraging them to register as members.

There are two types of free membership:

  • SERVE SURABHI (individual) and
  • * SERVE SURABHI TEAM.* (group)

3. Encourage people to download the Sri Surabhi App either through Android or iOS.

4. Hold a monthly Conference Call for all the Members of the Group.

5. Exchange photos and videos of activities in each country related to the OM Sri Surabhi Campaign Global.

We have already created the OM SRI SURABHI CAMPAIGN CHANNEL on Telegram where various information is shared and made available to all individual and team members. Our goal is to reach 108 countries. You may forward this document if you have contacts in other countries and know devotees who may be interested. Please let me know if you would like to be part of this initiative and who else may be interested to become a Member of your country. Remember, two to four committed candidates per country. Interested devotees will be sent a Service Description once selected.

This initiative is supported by the Varnasrama College ONLINE (VCO) educational institute whose objective is to help establish:

1) Gurukulas,
2) Varnasrama Colleges and
3) Vedic Villages as described on their website at:

This initiative is also supported by Sustainable Eco Alliance (SEA.Inc.) a nonprofit organization responsible for the 2018 first Cow Culture Conference in California, North America. You can visit their site at

Thank you for your kind attention.

R. P. Bhakti Raghava Swami
Director, OM Sri Surabhi Campaign Global


Telegram: +919177764311

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